This technology is the most advanced & cheapest VSA system in the world. There is no need for seminars, training or tests. The system is so easy to use that you can have it up and running within seconds.X13-VSA Technology is used by the International Crime Analysis Association
VSA Technology that was originally developed for military use
The evolution of Voice Stress Analysis, tested by many law enforcement agencies worldwide.
Developed by The use of this VSA technology continues to grow and to receive high profile attention. Over 180 police agencies around the world are using the X13-VSA PRO Cobra technology. A professional tool for Governments & Security Organizations, Law Enforcement agencies, Police, Military or Private Investigators or for the Businessman and Personal use.
This toll can detect stress and
a lie in a persons voice. Voice stress analysis is
the best alternative to the old polygraph as a
method for lie detection and it is already widely
used all over the world by police, organizations and
fraud investigations.
Higher stress levels is an indication that the
person is not being truthful. The tool uses voice
stress analysis techniques to attempt and to
quantify the amount of stress present in speech.
and technical details about Voice Stress Analysis
Technology For Truth Verification
Read more about Voice Stress Analysis for Truth-Verification
More information about VSA for Police and Government
Get more information about the Computerized Voice Stress Analyzer
The VSA technology is used by the FBI, CIA and many other organization.